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Tracey K
Civil Celebrant
Bayside, VIC
Weddings / Funerals & more ....

Your Day Your Wa​y

Renewal of Vows

10, 20, 30, 40 or even
50 years married?
Do you have a desire to renew your vows
your way, now that you know
each other so much better?
Renewal of Vows services are becoming more popular in Australia.
There is nothing more romantic then seeing your parents or grandparents
renew their vows in front of family and friends or privately.
As your Celebrant, I can guide you in a simple service and writing of your
new (Secret) vows to each other.
This symbolises a revisited commitment to each other and shows
the love you continue to share.
Often performed in your home, a public garden or on the beach.
Contact me to discuss your date time, desired location and estimated Costs
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